23 Geeky Coffee Tables You'll Wish You Had In Your Living Room

23 Geeky Coffee Tables You'll Wish You Had In Your Living Room

Smosh has previously tackled the world of nerdy coffee tables, but who knew there was an even bigger world to explore? Well, I did, and that’s why I explored it. Because you want your furniture to make a big statement about you, and there isn’t a bigger statement than “I have VERY specific pop culture interests”.

coffee table mario

h.r. gieger style alien holding onto table top

pacman arcade screen top

big pacman on one side of the table

old floppy disc with legs

table made entirely out of lego pieces

nightstand is like a rubix cube

wooden cassette tape

top is covered in pokemon cards

Nintendo console and cartridges as table

legend of zelda topography map

the dude’s face on a table; finally

table top help up with two playstation controllers

tardis door as coffee table

vhs tapes carved from wood

table covered with panels from comic books

top of table covered with grass

wood table with pinball top

beer pong table looks like pokemon head-to-head

table looks like a tablet with a terrible os

old mac units as table legs

glass is held up on the back of a dragon

coffee table x wing

And, hey, here’s a beverage to rest on those fancy tables, ya’ big dork!

Is your home décor limiting your dating pool? Let us know in the comments!

Original article and pictures take www.smosh.com site


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