bedroom reveal

bedroom reveal

We have our catch-alls. Every home does.

It’s that space that seems to store all the things that all the other rooms don’t want to hold anymore, but you feel too guilty to get rid of.

At least, until you find the resolve to get rid of it all. I needed a good dose of resolve.

This was us, circa 2009-ish. Before I gave myself permission to get rid of anything.

bedroom_redo_Pure_and_lovely6 copy

I think I was totally having this scary identity crisis of dark glossy furniture circa 2000 and maybe a bad case of trying to be someone else. And it never really felt right.

And that’s okay. It’s all a part of the process of learning to make your home truly yours. But our bedroom has always come last on the list.


FWIW: Running a website like ours, is really a humbling process. Because if you’ve been reading for a while you get to watch us grow and evolve, and then watch us {try to} pretend that all of this other stuff:


The bad slipcovers, the awkward attempts at a distressed mirror, and bargain finds… the lessons learned in bandaids over a gunshot wound and stepping away… never really happened. Oh but it’s still there. Because you probably remember.

We started out from the first days of marriage with my childhood furniture, and kept it that way for years. Then we gradually filtered from there, little by little. But I wouldn’t actually use the world filter… more like black hole to all things we didn’t know where to place anymore as other spaces changed. I tried a few fixes, but we never had a real live “grown up” space to call our own. Never took the time to design a retreat just for us. It was a big fat cluster of confused decisions and learning when to let go of those items that just weren’t working for our home because they were rushed decisions. The importance of editing, and purging and learning, were all sitting there in that space.

Why do we always put our most personal spaces, last? I can honestly say, I think that retreats are good for the soul and the marriage.

The sanity.

But then this happened: and we were resolved to create a space of our own. I mean, it was time. And what better excuse, what more permission did I need than a gargantuan hole in the wall and a gutted out bathroom to match?

Thanks, ugly disgusting mold. I’m gonna rock your face off. That’s what I said in my head, anyway. Coping mechanisms.


We know that the best spaces are created over time. And over time, we learned from our mistakes. This was the best case scenario for us: of putting the old with a touch of new, while bringing in those handmade and vintage touches. The masculine to balance out the feminine.

Something that reflects our personality together, and is a blend of both of us.

It was time.


It’s funny how re-painting a few old pieces, and doing simple things {like raising the blinds to the ceiling level} can really change the entire feel of a space.


Every time we do a space, I say “This one. This is my favorite one.”

And Jamin just laughs.


Because he knows I say it every time.


But this one is different for both of us. We’re excited for cold weather and lazy mornings. Late nights relaxing and fun conversations.


And Saturday, all three kids clambered in with us. We just stayed there. Snuggled up together, pretending it wasn’t already 90 degrees outside.


I think that’s what makes a space special. When it invites you to come and stay for a while.


I won’t say much today in the way of details. I’ll just leave you with some fun images, and we’ll be back soon with some how to’s and sources.









Chloe has given it her stamp of approval, too. ;}

Have an inspired day, y’all!

More to Love from The Handmade Home

Original article and pictures take site


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