British at heart.

British at heart.

Ghost fashions. SCORE 101

A box with artificial eyes from World War I SCORE 76

My brother just sent me this photo, with the words "dreaming of fish" SCORE 141

A cat's life. SCORE 192

I would cry SCORE 159

Be the best Ben Carson you can be. SCORE 179

There, there, human. SCORE 162

Mongoose has no fear! SCORE 179

Remember Kids… Grammar Is Important SCORE 165

The Greenhouse. SCORE 241

1, 2, 3 NOT IT! SCORE 59

Yes. It hurt very much. Supernatural anti-pickup line. SCORE 192

Some gifs are more mesmerizing than others. SCORE 90

All living former presidents of the United States in 1 picture.

Can I get some SCORE 130

God made us in a gay way! SCORE 137

In an alternate universe. SCORE 121

Puppy vs. hair dryer. SCORE 122

Basically. SCORE 197

Skeptical 3rd world kid on democracy. SCORE 193

Young Forrest and young Jenny 20 years later. SCORE 105

Take risks. SCORE 195

A camel after an air strike. SCORE 62

The morning after Sweden changed from driving on the left side to driving on the right. SCORE 135

Disney characters in modern clothing. SCORE 190

How to order at a restaurant. SCORE 86

Original article and pictures take site


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