Ideas To Steal

Ideas To Steal

If you haven’t been going to church lately, I´ll suggest you start with this one. In a former church of a military hospital in Antwerpen, Belgium, some clever souls saw their opportunities to transform this incredible space in to what is today the high-end contemporary restaurant, The Jane. With the concept food is our religion, the open kitchen has naturally been placed where the altar used to be. The gourmet restaurant can accommodate about 60 people, all with a view of the open kitchen. For a bar hang walk up the stairs to The Upper Bar Room. The creators behind this beautiful transformation is the the Dutch design practice Piet Boon. They are known for creating refined and sophistically spaces with a caring eye of the perfectly chosen materials that distinguish a project’s style. None the less what they have optimized in this project, by preserving the church’s original mosaic flooring and the aged patina arched ceiling. The ceiling defines the space and draws the attention to the chandelier dominating the dining area. The 12 by 9 meters chandelier is designed by design studio .PSLAB, a team specialised in design and production of site-specific lighting products. It’s a unique light feature that adds to the signature of the space. For other featured related post // Exceptional Book Store Design – Located in a church Photography by Richard Powers Found via Yatzer and Archdaily

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