Nido magazine - Hochbetten

Nido magazine - Hochbetten

bed design by rafa-kids

I was happy to find in my postbox a Nido Magazine from Germany. Inside there is photo of our boys bunk bed designed by us! Last year I got an e-mail from NIDO, asking me for a few pictures from our sons room and bed. They were busy preparing an article about bunk beds and found my blog really inspiring place for this subject. So here we go - our first published photo! ;-)

I really like the other projects in the article. The one from Denmark I was showing already here:collect-furniture-danish-design The white self-build bed looks fantastic. I especially like the space to play under the bed with the window which is giving an extra light to this space + a great storage. The other discovery is a German company colled morgensternundhertlingthey designed the other bunk bed with a small house where children can hide and play - isn't it great? and of course I'm proud we are in this great selection too ;-D

3 in 1 -bed from Joas - family Tolonen

bed design by

Original article and pictures take site


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